
REI Kinetic Emails

This sporty company is always up for new and exciting way to engage their customers. We tested our Kinetic Emails with them.

 The eggheads at Oracle cooked up a way to get some interactivity into the inbox with a crafty mix of Javascript and CSS3. Email clients that didn’t support these technologies were served a static version. But the ones that did got a surprise, and a

The eggheads at Oracle cooked up a way to get some interactivity into the inbox with a crafty mix of Javascript and CSS3. Email clients that didn’t support these technologies were served a static version. But the ones that did got a surprise, and a more engaging experience.

 We really went for it with the Ghost Bike launch email—and we ended up with some hiccups—so when we tried again with this  email highlighting the key features of daypacks from three brands we took what worked and threw out the parts that gave us hea

We really went for it with the Ghost Bike launch email—and we ended up with some hiccups—so when we tried again with this email highlighting the key features of daypacks from three brands we took what worked and threw out the parts that gave us headaches. We were rewarded with an uptick in engagement!