
Meowy Christmas

Illustration, animation, art direction, and cat-wrangling add up to Happy Holidays for Amazon.

This email was illustrated by my friend and former schoolmate, Naho Ogawa (

This email was illustrated by my friend and former schoolmate, Naho Ogawa (

Amazon’s goal for this series was to take a merry detour from their traditional messaging style, to show that unexpected, outside-the-grid creative can be a fun tactic for engaging and rewarding subscribers. The campaigns feature whimsical animations combined with creative integrations of Amazon products, for messages that are packed with personality and an overall friendly look and feel.

 This touch highlighted Christmas traditions from around the world, and finished with a message about shipping deadlines.

This touch highlighted Christmas traditions from around the world, and finished with a message about shipping deadlines.

 A simple holiday Thank You from Amazon, presented by Snugs, the grumpy Christmas Cat. The photoshoot for this email, with Seattle photographer  Charlie Schuck , was one of the most surreal experiences of my life.

A simple holiday Thank You from Amazon, presented by Snugs, the grumpy Christmas Cat. The photoshoot for this email, with Seattle photographer Charlie Schuck, was one of the most surreal experiences of my life.